When to Clean a Chimney


Make sure you inspect your chimney in the fall before the burning season actually starts.  If birds, squirrels or other woodland creatures have built a nests inside your chimney, you'll need to clean it out before your very first use. You should also inspect it inside and out for cracks and other damage that needs repaired.  
  After the burning season starts, how often you'll need to clean your chimney will depend on three factors: How much you use your fireplace, how low or high you make the fires and what kind of wood you burn.  Low-burning, smoldering fires produce more creosote than than high-temperature fires.  And wood such as Beech, Pecan, Pine and Cedar, which create more creosote in your chimney than low-sap, low oil woods such as Oak. Make sure, too, that the wood has been aged and dried, or seasoned.  Dried wood burns better and generates less creosote.